On this article, we will see how the INC understand the phrase "ends of the earth". Their interpretation of the phrase "ends of the Earth" is also regarded as an evidence for the claims of FYM.

I. INC’s Official Stand- Ends of the “Earth” means “Time” (Panahon)

The phrase in question comes from Isaiah 43:6 NKJV

I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' And to the south, 'Do not keep them back!' Bring My sons from afar, And My daughters from the ends of the earth.

And how did INC understand them? Below are quotes from Pasugo:

"Bakit kami naniniwalang hindi dako o isang lugal ang tinutukoy ng pariralang “Mga Wakas Ng lupa?” Sapagka’t ayon sa siyensya ang mundo ay hindi lapad (flat) kundi bilog. Kung ang mundo sana ay lapad ang mga gilid niyon ang mat atawg nating wakas. Papaano magkakaroon ng wakas na dako ang mundo samantalang ito’y bilog na gaya ng globo?

Translation: "Why do we not believe that the phrase "ends of the Earth" does not refer to a location or place? Because according to science the earth in not flat but spheroid. Should the Earth be flat, we can call its edges end. How can the Earth have ends if it's spheroid like a globe?"

Ang Pasugo, Setyembre 1953 p. 32
Ayon sa pagpapaliwanag ng Banal na Kasulatan ang 'mga wakas ‘ng lupa ay hindi “dako" o Iugal ang tinutuloy kundi “panahon’ ang kahulugan nito.

Translation: "According to the explanation of Holy Scripture, the "ends of the earth" is not a location or place but "time" is its meaning. "

Ang Pasugo, Abril 1952 p. 21
In Isaiah 43:5, quoted above, God has declared: “...bring my sons from far, and my daughter from the ends of the earth.” The phrase the ends of the earth” refers to the time of the end of the earth (Daniel 12:4) and not to the physical geographical limits of the earth, as the earth being spheroid and has no end or limit.

Ang Pasugo, February 1957 p. 38
It is therefore, INC's belief that the phrase "ends of the earth" refers to a "time"-the time of the end of the end of the earth (Pasugo February 1957 p. 3 instead of a place .

II. References that INC claims that support their beliefs

We will now look into references that INC thought support their claim. Quoted in Pasugo p. 5 February 1989 are the following:

1. Collins Webster Comtemporary English Dictionary (hereafter will be referred as CWCED)
2. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Bible (hereafter will be referred as MHCB)

Below is the quote from Collins Webster Comtemporary English Dictionary as cited in Pasugo February 1957 p. 38:

End… (4) the most distant place OR time that can be imagined: the ends of the earth.

One can immediately notice that the phrase “ends of the earth” is not defined. There was indeed a mention of the phrase "ends of the Earth" in one of the meaning of the word "End" (being the entry word). However , it did not define the phrase "ends of the earth" nor indicated that the phrase ends of the Earth refers to either time or place. Rather, what CWCED gave is a verbal illustration of how the word "end” could be use in context. That is, given the verbal illustration "ends of the Earth", this phrase can refer to the most "distant place" when used in this context- "ends of the earth" and in parallel, the phrase "end of time" can be use to refer to the most distant of time.

CWCED did not, as INC believes it, use the phase "ends of the Earth" to refer the "most distant place or time that can be imagined". Rather, as has been stated, the phrase was used to illustrate the use of the word "end".

Let us now turn our attention at MHCB. Below is the relevant quote:

(1.) Because all events are now directed by an all-seeing and almighty Providence, Job_28:24, Job_28:25. He that governs the world is, [1.] Omniscient; for he looks to the ends of the earth, both in place and time; distant ages, distant regions, are under his view.

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, Commentary on Job 20:28.

Again the assertion that the phrase “ends of the Earth", refers to time is absent. Nor can we deduced it logically form this quote. What we have here is an association- not an explanation of the phrase "ends of the Earth"- with time. Nowhere MHCB indicated that the said phrase means time. Rather it is an interpretation imposed by INC on MHCB.

After looking at the references which INC claims to support their belief, we can say with certainty that the "ends of the Earth" can mean “time” is merely an INC assertion and not based on a "dictionary or Bible scholars" as what Pasugo would have us belief (Pasugo February 1989 p. 5). This belief, yet again, is like their “Felix Y. Manalo is an Angel” or “Philippines is the Far East” doctrines- no basis on the ground of logic or scholarly references. Most of all, it is not a biblical belief, but rather an assertion, a mere claim that INC thinks can justifies their church.

III. The real Meaning of the phrase “Ends of the Earth”

What then is the meaning of the phrase “Ends of the Earth”? We now refer to various scholarly works as to what is the meaning of the said phrase.

Below is a quote from Jewish Encyclopedia:

Like most peoples of antiquity, the Hebrews conceived of the earth as a disk (Prov. viii. 27; Job xxvi. 10; Isa. xl. 22); and they spoke, therefore, of peoples like the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, and Medes as living at the ends of the earth.

Earth, The Jewish Encyclopedia.

(4.) That the conquests of this kingdom shall extend themselves to distant regions: The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth. David's victories and dominions reached far, but the uttermost parts of the earth are promised to the Messiah for his possession (Psa_2:, to be either reduced to his golden sceptre or ruined by his iron rod. God is Judge of all, and he will judge for his people against his and their enemies, Psa_110:5, Psa_110:6

Commentary on 1Sa 2:1-10 Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible

6. Clouds

Jeremiah and the Psalmist repeat the description, “He causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasuries” (Jer_10:13). By the foreshortening that clouds undergo in the distance they inevitably appear to form chiefly on the horizon, “at the ends of the earth,” whence they move upward toward the zenith.

Astronomy, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Needless to say, we can deduced from these scholarly references refers to a place or a region. Far from what INC claims that the phrase "ends of the Earth can refer to time. As a matter of fact, we cannot find any scholarly work that can support what INC's claim- that the phrase "ends of the Earth can refer to time.

IV. INC ‘s Inconsistency of beliefs on the phrase “Ends of the Earth”

At some point in time, perhaps due to some realization, in Pasugo dated February 1998 page 5, the phrase "ends of the Earth" can now mean EITHER time or place.

The website ExamineIglesiaNi has documented this inconsistency. Whereas initially, INC denied that the phrase the end of the Earth refers to a place or location, now they admit, according to INC's understanding, that it can mean EITHER time or place.

One now may wonder what happened to their claim which state that to say that the "Ends of the Earth" can be interpreted as a location or place is due to "insufficient analysis" or “ignorance".- Pasugo, Setyembre 1953 p. 32

V. “Ends of the Earth” – A simple and honest consideration

An honest look on this phrase will not give an impression that it can refer to time. Why use a location, a place (earth) to indicate time? It has no biblical precedent, was not use anywhere in the Bible or secular references. But the truth is some are willing to twist biblical facts and historical reality to justify their claim albeit the consequences on logic and correct thinking. If the INC would still insist on this, let them produce objective evidence other than the say-so of their so called “minister. If they can- the author highly doubts it.

VI. Summary of what has been said

In the light of these facts, we can say the following on this particular doctrine of INC:

1. It is belief not supported by CWCED and MHCB as INC would have us believe.

2. INC's belief is contradicted by a number of scholarly works namely:

Matthew Henry Commentary, Jewish Encyclopedia and International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

3. The belief defies good logic and correct reasoning.

4. The belief is not in the Bible, rather it is only imposed on the Bible by the INC.

4. INC has shown inconsistency in this belief. CAN THIS BE OF GOD?

Let them oppose me otherwise if any of these is untrue. I only ask that it de done on the spirit of fraternal correction as any true Christian would do.

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